Analyze and Act

There are two types of analysis required in the Safety IQ program: proactive and reactive analysis.

Proactive analysis begins with a safety self-assessment (SSA). Pharmacy teams use an SSA to proactively analyze their systems and processes to identify areas of risk in their practice. Findings from the SSA are then used to develop an improvement plan to reduce risky practices and close any patient-safety gaps. For more information about SSAs, please visit the following link:

Reactive analysis is triggered when a medication incident harms a patient or a pattern of similar incidents or near-miss events emerges. The pharmacy team should immediately examine the incident, identify root causes, and openly discuss the incident with all staff. An improvement plan is then developed and implemented with the input of your team.

Understanding a problem is the key to its solution; however, we often jump too quickly from problem to solution without seeking a true understanding of its root cause(s). Sometimes we think we have found the cause of problem, but we are actually just examining a symptom.

There are many approaches to incident analysis, but the most important thing is to choose an approach that is right for your team.  The suggested processes below are examples of simple methods you could use with your team to analyze medication incidents or patterns.

Analysis Resources