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Use the quick links below to find the information you need to ensure Safety IQ is implemented and maintained in your pharmacy.
Latest Blog Posts

Developing an Effective Training Plan for New Pharmacy Staff: A Key to Patient Safety and Workplace Success
A thoughtful training plan helps new pharmacy staff gain confidence, improve workflow efficiency, and enhance patient safety. Discover four practical steps to develop an effective onboarding process that supports both employees and the pharmacy team.

Onboarding New Pharmacy Staff: Best Practices for Building a Safety-First Culture
Introduction In Summer 2023, the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM) conducted the Community Pharmacy Survey on Patient Safety Culture™ (SOPS®). The survey invited community

Staffing and Work Pressures: Strategies for a Safer Pharmacy
As the scope of pharmacy practice expands, pharmacists and staff face increasing demands and pressures. This article explores strategies for managing these challenges, focusing on staffing, work environment, and safety. Discover how the Safety IQ Academy’s resources and blog posts offer practical solutions to enhance pharmacy efficiency, reduce stress, and improve patient safety. Learn effective approaches to handle staffing issues and create a safer, more supportive work environment.
Additional Resources
- Quick Guide: Reporting Medication Incidents and Near-Miss Events (CPhM):
https://cphm.ca/resourcelibrary/_sft_resource_category=safetyiq&_sf_s=Reporting%20medication%20incidents%20and%20near-miss%20events - Quick Guide: Documentation (CPhM):
https://cphm.ca/resource-library/?_sft_resource_category=safety-iq&_sf_s=Documentation - Medication Incident Documentation Log (CPhM):
A useful resource if your pharmacy’s medication incident reporting platform does allow you to enter patient information or prescription numbers. This log is resource if you need a way to ensure all incident reports can be traced back to a specific patient.
- A Guide to Patient Safety Improvement: Integrating Knowledge Translation and Quality Improvement Approaches (Canadian Patient Safety Institute):
https://www.patientsafetyinstitute.ca/en/toolsResources/A-Guide-to-Patient Safety-Improvement/Pages/default.aspx - How to Improve (Institute for Healthcare Improvement):
http://www.ihi.org/resources/Pages/HowtoImprove/default.aspx - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Framework (ISMP Canada):
https://www.ismp-canada.org/fmea.htm - ISMP Canada’s Medication Safety Learning Centre:
- The Apology Act (Government of Manitoba):
https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/statutes/2007/c02507e.php - Canadian Disclosure Guidelines (Canadian Patient Safety Institute):
https://www.patientsafetyinstitute.ca/en/toolsResources/disclosure/Documents/CPSI%20Canadian%20Disclosure%20Guidelines.pdf - The Importance and Impact of an Apology Information Sheet (Manitoba Institute for Patient Safety):
https://mips.ca/assets/info_sheet_on_mb_apology_act.pdf - Quick Guide: Responding to an Incident (CPhM):
- CPhM Shared Learning including Case Studies from the Medical Examiner, Opioid Agonist Therapy and Patient Safety Case Studies, and ISMP Canada’s SMART Medication Safety Agenda:
https://cphm.ca/practice-education/shared-learning/ - ISMP Canada Safety Bulletins:
https://ismpcanada.ca/safety-bulletins/ - Med Safety Exchange Webinars (ISMP Canada):
- Culture Change Toolbox (BC Patient Safety and Quality Council):
- How Are We Doing? Toolkit for Effective CQI Meetings (CPhM)
https://cphm.ca/resource-library/?_sft_resource_category=safety-iq&_sf_s=CQI%20Meeting%20Resource - Culture Change Toolbox (BC Patient Safety and Quality Council):
- Community Pharmacy Safety Culture Toolkit (CPhM):
https://cphm.ca/resource-library/?_sft_resource_category=safety-iq&_sf_s=Community%20pharmacy%20safety%20culture%20toolkit - Culture Change Toolbox (BC Patient Safety and Quality Council):
https://bcpsqc.ca/resource/culture-change-toolbox/ - Health Quality Council of Alberta Just Culture Website:
Owners and/or managers of new pharmacies should use the Safety IQ Implementation Toolkit for New Pharmacies to start a CQI program. The Toolkit supports pharmacy managers and owners to understand Safety IQ and put the technical requirements of the program in place when opening a new pharmacy.
The Toolkit is available at the following link: https://cphm.ca/resource/siq-new-pharm-toolkit/